Fix the money.
Fix the Money - Bitcoin podcast
FTM4: The Davos crypto-crowd and the rise of Bitcoin maximalism

FTM4: The Davos crypto-crowd and the rise of Bitcoin maximalism

Podcast episode 4: Predictions for 2023 and a 'quick and dirty' guide to the Lightning Work

Block height: 772222

Niko and Yael in the studio in Vienna, Austria

The green candles are adding up and another block has cleared the mempool.

For this edition of the Fix The Money podcast, Niko and Yaël cover the latest articles from the Substack:

  • The importance of publishing on “block time”

  • A small BTC rally and some fiat pontificiations

  • The Davos crowd and Bitcoin (FT on the crypto train?)

  • Use of satoshis by ordinary Ukrainians

  • The rise of maximalism (as a good thing)

  • The fragile excitement of the Bitcoin Lightning Network.

Recent articles:

Getting 'Down and Dirty' on the Bitcoin Lightning Network

May the fireworks continue: three trends in Bitcoin that will strengthen in 2023


Niko: @nikojilch

Yaël: @yaeloss / nostr: a367f9eb1cb3a241a7f3646f31cd6d597bbbbf8eaeb5cd2e707d09b00633efea

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Fix the money.
Fix the Money - Bitcoin podcast
Our money is broken, let's fix it. Journalist Niko Jilch talks to the most interesting people in Bitcoin.